High School Parent Message 

Oct 4, 2024



Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we enter October, there are many exciting events happening this month! Next week, we will launch our Week of Respect where we will talk to students about being respectful, productive members of our school community and thinking about their actions.  Students will be invited to participate in themed dress down days to celebrate the week.  

On October 17, we invite you to attend our Open House where we will showcase the programs that Northern has to offer.  There will be demonstrations, presentations and a chance to see our space.  We look forward to seeing many of you there.

On October 13th, we will kick off our week long Homecoming celebration with our hallway decorating.  Each grade has been working hard to create themed decorations which will be hung in our hallways.  Students will participate in themed dress down days from October 15-18.  The week will culminate with a Pep Rally on the afternoon of October 18th (modified schedule to follow) and the announcement of the Homecoming Court.  On October 19th, we will hold a carnival, followed by the Homecoming Football Game, and finally the homecoming dance.  This is sure to be an exciting week for the entire Northern Community.

Throughout the month, we will also hear about the upcoming Auditorium Project at the board meeting on October 7, kick off our Costa Rica trip with an initial meeting, seek nominations for our Educator of the Year, and hear more about supporting students’ mental health at our PTSC meeting.  We look forward to seeing you at many of our upcoming events!

Dr. McCann

Important Dates

Oct 7-11: Week of Respect

Oct 9: Costa Rica Trip Informational Meeting

Oct 14:  No school for students, Staff PD Day

Oct 17: Open House

Oct 19: Homecoming 

Oct 24: 6:30 pm PTSC Meeting Special topic Mental Health HS Media Center 

Oct 29: Educator of the Year nominations due

Parent Q & A

Question: If my student doesn’t have a charged Chromebook, does the school have extra chargers they can borrow?

Answer: Students should charge their Chromebooks at home each night.  Students are welcome to bring their chargers to school, in case their battery is low throughout the day.  There are a limited number of chargers in the main office, which can be used in emergent situations, but should not be a student’s daily plan for charging their Chromebook.  Replacement chargers can be purchased online or through the school.  If you know your child has lost or damaged their charger and needs another one, please let the main office know and we can assist them.

Federal Impact Aid Survey

On October 15, 2024, Northern Burlington will electronically solicit the US Department of Education's Federal Impact Aid Student-Parent Survey Form for the 2024-2025 School Year. This form is available through PowerSchool’s parent portal. This survey is important and determines the amount of Federal Impact Aid the district receives. Consequently, this form, one for each student, needs to be completed and submitted by you (student’s parent/guardian/sponsor) by Friday, November 1, 2024.

As of October 15, 20024 you will not be able to access your child(ren)’s grades until the survey form is completed so, please keep your eye out for this electronic survey form next week. Thank you! 

Week of Respect

October 7-11, 2024 is the Week of Respect.  The Week of Respect is a week celebrated throughout New Jersey to focus on character development and bullying prevention.  During the week, activities will happen each morning focused around the acronym THINK, where we will ask students to consider these 5 question:


T - is it true?

Students will watch a student reading The True Story of the  Three Little Pigs.  Video Here


H - is it helpful?

Students will watch a clip from Mr. Rogers and respond to questions related to the video.


I - is it inspiring?

Students will watch an inspirational video by Kobe Bryant and create an inspirational message of their own.


N - is is necessary?

Students will watch this clip from Forrest Gump and discuss if the things they consider saying are always necessary to say.


K - is it kind?

Students will watch a clip from Hope Floats and discuss kindness and whether their actions exhibit kindness regularly.

Students are invited to Dress Down on each of the theme days throughout the week.

New Jersey’s Governor’s Educator of the Year Nominations

New Jersey's Governor's Educator of the Year program promotes a culture that recognizes excellence, creates a sense of pride and brings public attention to the work of outstanding educators.  

Classroom teachers and educational service professionals are recognized through this program. 

Administrators, staff members, students, parents and community members are encouraged to participate. 

Eligibility Criteria-Requirements

Any educators nominated for this award must meet all of the following requirements:

  • An exceptionally skilled and dedicated classroom teacher where teaching is the primary responsibility or an educational services professional (ESP) in one of the eligible categories (see list below)

  • An expert in the field who inspires students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn

  • Actively collaborate with colleagues, students, and families to create a strong culture of respect and success

  • Demonstrate leadership and innovation in educational activities at the school, district and/or state and national levels that take place both within and outside the school setting

  • Have the respect and admiration of students, parents and colleagues

Note: There is no requirement for a minimum number of years in the classroom, however as an ambassador for education, this is an award based on merit and leadership and not to be given out solely based on years of service, like a retirement award.

To nominate a certified staff member for the Governor's Educator of the Year, please follow the appropriate link:

  • Governor's Educator of the Year (GEOY) Form to nominate Educational Service Professionals which at NB include:

    • Anti-Bullying Specialist

    • Athletic Trainer

    • Child Study Team: Social Worker, School Psychologist, Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC)

    • Counselor: At-Risk, Clinical, School

    • Interventionist

    • Media Specialist

    • Nurse 

    • Reading Specialist 

    • Speech Language Specialist

    • Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC)

Nominations are accepted until Tuesday, October 29, 2024

High School Store News

This week (September 30th to October 4th) is SBE (School Based Enterprise) Week.  In celebration of SBE Week, all high school store apparel purchased online or in person will be 10% off!  https://nbhsstore.square.site/

2024-2025 Yearbook

We are excited to announce that the 2025 high school yearbook is now on sale! Our students and staff are working hard to capture the events, activities and memories of this school year. Place your order for the yearbook at https://shorturl.at/REICG. This is one you won’t want to miss!

Advanced Placement Exams

The deadline to pay & register for AP exams without penalty is November 8, 2024. Late registration fees will apply after the deadline. Visit our website at www.totalregistration.net,  or take a look at this FAQ document for more information. Contact Dr. Puente-Ervin at Lpuente-ervin@nburlington.com with any questions. 

PTSC Message

The Parent Teacher Student Connection (PTSC) is Northern Burlington's version of a Home and School/PTA group.  All parents are invited to join and meetings are held throughout the year.

Membership Form

Student Lunch: Free and Reduced Lunch Application

If you have not already done so, please complete a new lunch application for the 2024-2025 school year.  Your child's lunch status remains the same eligibility from last year for free or reduced-price meals but will expire on 10/18/2024 unless a new application has been submitted prior to this date.

You can still reapply for benefits for this school year by completing the online application found at https://mealapp.lunchtimesoftware.net/Default.aspx or turning in a paper application directly to the school.  


We’re excited to share that students who qualify for free and reduced lunch are also entitled to enjoy free breakfast at school! Starting your child’s day with a nutritious meal can make a big difference in their focus and success in the classroom. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure your child starts the day off right.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your continued support!

Maria Baran

Food Service Director

609-298-3900 x2037

Winter Sports

Athletic Winter registration IS NOW OPEN for both the High School and Middle School.

If you already have an account, please sign in with your current username and password.   DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT!

If you need assistance, please contact the Athletic Office at 609-298-3900, ext. 2093 or email moneill@nburlington.com




Senior Portraits

To schedule an appointment, call Customer Service at (908) 964-0847, ext 405  or go to www.lorsstudio.com, click on Seniors, then Schedule an Appointment. The login is your last name and the password is your school ID.


SAT Prep Program Registration 

NB’s own 6 week SAT Prep program continues in-person on Saturdays from October 5, 2024- November 23, 2024 (No Class October 19).  The program is contingent on sufficient enrollment of at least 17 students.  An afternoon session will be added if needed to meet all registration requests. The registration deadline is Tuesday Sept 30, 2024  2024/2025 FALL SAT Prep Program Registration.  

Middle School Buddy Club

Dear NB Parents: The Middle School's Buddy Club needs your support.  We are collecting gently worn, used, and new shoes (sneakers, sandals, boots, dress shoes, cleats, etc.) for our Shoe Drive Fundraiser! We will be collecting shoes from Oct 7 - to Nov 15, 2024. Now's the perfect time to clean out your closet of old shoes! Fall sports ending soon....we will take any used cleats from athletes! 

Students can put the shoes in the collection box located at the main entrance. We appreciate your support of the Middle School's Buddy Club.  Any questions please contact Heather at hevert@nburlington.com or Tracy at tnagy@nburlington.com

Food Service Job Openings

Our district food service provider is looking to fill open positions.  Anyone interested should check out this LINK.