Dear Parents and Community Members:
Each year, as we endure another flu season, the schools take proactive measures to prepare for and combat the flu. We are all aware of the growing concerns regarding the Coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to monitor the spread of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), a flu-like disease that was first identified back in December.
As this virus has the potential to spread, Northern Burlington Regional, in cooperation with the school doctor and the elementary constituent districts of Chesterfield, Mansfield, North Hanover, and Springfield, continue to closely review every update provided. As a precautionary measure, we are maintaining an enhanced daily cleaning and sanitizing regimen at all our schools. Hand sanitizers and wipes are being used throughout the districts. Since the beginning of the flu season, custodial staff has implemented our flu protocol for cleaning. This means that all desks, chairs, tables, surfaces, door handles, bathrooms, etc. are cleaned and disinfected with approved disinfectants. Also, special protocols are in place for all nurse's offices, locker rooms, and trainer's offices. The custodial staff is reminded daily of the flu protocol and the importance of the cleaning especially now with the Coronavirus.
We are asking all families and staff to use the following non-pharmaceutical interventions, (NPIs), and take the same precautions they would during any flu outbreak, including:
Stay home if you have a fever and/or cough! This is as much for your benefit as those that will be near you;
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time. Hand sanitizers may also be used to limit the spread of germs;
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
Sneeze into your inside elbow or into a disposable tissue instead of your hands.
Also, the Department of Health and the Schools request that families who have traveled to areas of the world highly impacted by the Coronavirus alert the School Principal and School Nurse prior to your child’s return to the school building.
Finally, some parents have asked about the potential need of closing a school should any of our faculty or students be diagnosed with the Coronavirus. Such considerations are made in conjunction with the Burlington County Department of Health and our local health officials. To date, the direction is to follow standard flu protocols and these protocols do not call for the closing of a school. Please contact your child’s School Nurse if you need additional information or have questions.
For additional information about Coronavirus, please visit the following websites:
New Jersey Department of Health:
Centers for Disease Control:
Get Your Household Ready CDC Transcript: