Professional Services Extra-ordinary Unspecifiable Services

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A 19:44A-20, New Jersey Pay to Play, and other legislative enactments, more specifically Chapter 271 of the laws of the State of New Jersey, the Northern Burlington County Regional Board of Education, located at 160 Mansfield Road East, Columbus NJ 08022, is seeking RFP's for professional services to be in compliance with the accountability regulations to be provided to the Board of Education as listed below for the period January 6, 2025 to Reorganization of January 5, 2026, except as noted:

Professional Services Sought:

1.            Architect

2.            Attorney

3.            Auditor (7/1/24 – 6/30/25)

4.            Bond Counsel

5.            Civil Engineer

6.            Mechanical Engineer

7.            Financial Advisor

8.            Medical Inspector

                                    Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services Sought:

9.            Health Insurance Broker 

10.        Labor Consultant / Negotiator  

Requests for qualifications are on file at the Qualified Purchasing Agent's office at the Board of Education Office, 160 Mansfield Road East, Columbus, NJ 08022, and may also be downloaded from the Board of Education's website at the following address:

The Response to the RFP must be labeled with the type of the services as well as the date of the RFP opening and time and the Board must receive all RFP's not later than December 5, 2024, by 1:30 p.m. at the Board of Education office located at 160 Mansfield Road East Columbus NJ 08022. All questions concerning this notice should be addressed to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary. Mr. Richard Kaz, at 609-298-3900, ext 2080, or preferably via email at
