Regional Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
Special Education Parent Advisory Groups (SEPAG) are required for all School Districts in the State of New Jersey. The purpose of these groups is to afford parents and community members an opportunity to provide input and discuss concerns related to Special Education. New Jersey Administrative Code 6A: 14-1.2 (h) states that: “Each District Board of Education shall ensure that a Special Education Parent Advisory Group is in place in the District to provide input to the District on issues concerning students with disabilities. Our Regional SEPAG serves to facilitate communication between students, parents, staff, the Board of Education, and the community, with regards to issues surrounding the Districts' Special Education Programs. Our goal is to provide families with meaningful support, education and information, and to provide input to the District on issues concerning students with disabilities.
District Staff Liaison: TBD
Parent Liaison: TBD - open position
When and where are the Seeking Solutions meetings?
Follow our twitter feed @NBC_COP.
Who should attend a Seeking Solutions Meeting?
Anyone with a student(s) in the Northern Burlington Regional School District with different
learning needs i.e. physical, emotional, social, or behavioral.
Anyone with a student(s) eligible for or receiving services under an IEP or Section 504 plan.
Online Resources
Access Link
A public transportation option for people with disabilities.
Archived Webinars and Other Resources from the Family Support Center of NJ
Center for Parent Information and Resources – Transition to Adulthood
The Department of Human Services, Division of Disability Services
This link will provide you with statewide opportunities for training and education, both for families, clients, and service providers.
Transition From School to Adult Life from the NJ Department of Education
Transition Guide
A transition guide offering key questions to consider and helpful resources to explore.
NJ Adult Service State Agencies