Our Medication policy encourages parents to administer all medications at home; however, it is recognized that children with special needs, chronic illnesses, and specific disabilities may require medication during the school day.
We, therefore, require a physician's approval and a written parental consent to accompany prescription medication. and non-prescription (over the counter). All Medication must be brought to the school by parents / guardians, and it will be kept locked in the nurse's office. The bottle should be clearly labeled with the child's name, name and strength of the medication, drugstore where purchased, name of the prescribing physician, and the time and amount of mediation to be given. (Attached Medication At School form must be completed) Medication Form
In accordance with Standing Orders from the District Medical Inspector and after assessment by the Registered Nurse(s) in the district, parent/guardian can give permission for student to be given over-the-counter (OTC) medications occasionally in standardized dosages. This form may be completed electronically via PowerSchool.