As we prepare for the opening of school, here are some important notes.
The first day of school for students will be Thursday, September 5, 2019 and will be a full day of school. Please note that the school day begins promptly at 7:30 am and ends at 2:38 pm.
Towards the end of August, you will receive a mailing that will include information pertaining to the opening of school. To give you a sense of the timing for a few key items:
- Detailed schedule information will be issued to students on the first day of school.
- Transportation arrangements will be mailed directly to your home toward the end of August, under separate cover.
- A recommended supply list and a copy of the school district’s calendar for 2019/2020 are posted to our website,, Middle School, Explore, Student & Parent Resources.
- If your son/daughter wishes to participate in a fall sport, he or she must turn in a sports physical packet by August 21. The forms are available on our website under Middle School, Athletics and in the Main Office. It is strongly recommended that the paperwork be completed and submitted to the school prior to the start of the school year so that your student is cleared to participate when practices begin on or about September 9.
- Summer assignments (English Language Arts) for all students are due during the first days of school. Please visit, locate the Explore tab at the top of the page, then choose Students and Parents Resources and then select Summer Assignments. There you will find the links for the REQUIRED language arts assignments for Grade 7 (ELA 7) or ELA 8 for Grade 8.