Northern has a variety of clubs and activities in which students may participate. These organizations meet afternoons at 2:38 pm until students are released to the activity buses. There are two activity bus runs available for students who participate in after-school activities. Students who participate must have their student ID card for bus access and will be given a pass that will indicate the date and time for them to ride home from their activity. Students are not permitted to use the activity bus pass for other purposes.
Students must be eligible to participate in activities as dictated by attendance requirements and our Student Management Code. Students who are absent from school on the day of an activity or athletic event are ineligible to participate in the activity. State law requires a student to be in attendance for at least four (4) hours to be counted as present for the day.
The following activities have been planned for this year. The advisors are listed after the activity.
ART CLUB Purpose: To offer students interested in art additional opportunity to expand and build on their talents outside of the school day Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Mr. Fama
ATHLETIC TEAMS Many interscholastic athletic teams are offered for our students. Students must be academically eligible in order to participate. Questions regarding athletic activities should be directed to the Athletic Director at extension 2094. Fall: Girls and Boys Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross Country Winter: Girls and Boys Basketball, Wrestling, Cheerleading Spring: Baseball, Girls and Boys Lacrosse, Softball, and Track
BAND Purpose: To provide an opportunity to learn musical skills and to use those skills in conjunction with other school activities where music is appropriate ADVISOR: Ms. Hughes
BATTLE OF THE BOOKS Purpose: To engage students who enjoy reading; members read a minimum of 5 books from a selected list and then enter a competition to select the winning Northern team, as well as compete against other county middle schools. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students. ADVISOR: Mrs. Conti
CHESS CLUB Purpose: To provide students interested in playing the game of chess an opportunity to learn, develop, and strengthen their chess game after school. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students. ADVISOR: Mr. Ramamurthy
CHORUS Purpose: To provide an opportunity for students to learn and develop vocal skills. The Chorus performs at concerts and other school affairs Membership: 7th and 8th grade boys and girls who are enrolled in the chorus classes, as well as students who just enjoy singing ADVISOR: Ms. Allen
CLASS COUNCILS Purpose: The class council organizes and conducts the activities and dances for the class. The officers are elected for the year in an election conducted by the Student Congress. Homeroom representatives are selected by each homeroom. Membership: (one member per homeroom) 7th Grade Class Council - elected from Grade 7 8th Grade Class Council - elected from Grade 8 ADVISOR: Grade 7 – Ms. Zirilli ADVISOR: Grade 8 – Ms. Avanzato
COMIC CLUB Purpose: Students gather to discuss and create graphic art and storytelling. Anyone interested in comic books, anime, manga, and movies/TV shows from the DC and Marvel universes. Members discuss, draw, collaborate, and even view their favorite titles. MEmbership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students. ADVISOR: Dr. Lafferty
DRAMA CLUB Purpose: To give students an opportunity to participate in a dramatic production. Along with acting, students organize and prepare the sets, lighting, sound effects, and programs. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students selected from tryouts ADVISORS: Mr. Fama and Dr. Gallara
FIRST AID Purpose: First Aid is an activity rather than a club. Students learn first aid skills under a certified Red Cross First Aid Instructor and scouts can meet merit badge requirements upon the successful completion of this program. This activity is offered three times per year. Eighth grade students will also be able to obtain standard Red Cross First Aid certificates. Membership: 7th and 8th graders who have not previously had the program ADVISOR: Ms. Pugliese and Ms. D'Amato
FBLA Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is an organization dedicated to bringing business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Mr. Tyrell
Future Farmers of America (FFA) The FFA is an organization dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Dr. McLean
GAY-STRAIGHT ALLIANCE (GSA) The goal of GSA is to make the school community safe and welcoming for all students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Events sponsored by GSA are designed to promote an open and civil environment for all students. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Ms. Friedman
H.O.P.E. Purpose: “Help Our Planet Earth”. Students help with school recycling program and learn to protect the environment. Membership: 7th and 8th graders interested in ecology ADVISOR: Ms. Sulon
INTERNATIONAL CLUB Purpose: The International Club provides opportunities for students to play games, participate in activities relative to the languages offered at Northern Burlington Middle School, and learn about other cultures. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISORS: Ms. Friedman
JOURNALISM/PawPrints Purpose: to provide students with an opportunity to explore ways to write a newspaper and discuss different types of journalistic writing: news, editorials, features, etc. Membership: 7th and 8th grade students with a strong interest in writing, reporting and communication ADVISOR: Ms. Avanzato and Dr. Lafferty
MATH COUNTS Purpose: To provide opportunities for math competition (Math Counts, AMA and Purple Comet) Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Mr. Hoy
MUSICAL Purpose: Students work to produce a musical involving acting, singing, set design, choreography, sound effects, and lighting. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students selected from tryouts ADVISORS: Ms. Allen and Dr. Gallara
NO PLACE for HATE Purpose: To work with students to continue anti-bias and bullying prevention activities school wide throughout the year. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISORs: Ms. Dembowski, Ms. Friedman, and Ms. Gillespie
SCHOOL STORE (Hound Pound) Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity for contact with a retail selling program Membership: Primarily for students who have had entrepreneurship ADVISOR: Mr. Goldstein
Special Olympics Open to all Middle and High School students who meet the criteria for eligible disabilities (as determined by the Special Olympics NJ) to compete in bowling , track & field practices for the Special Olympics NJ Competitions. ADVISOR(s): Mr. Matthews
STUDENT CONGRESS Purpose: The Student Congress is the student government organization of the middle school. It supervises the election of all class officers and assists with coordination of all student activities. Membership: Grades 7 and 8, by elections held at the beginning of the school year ADVISOR: Ms. Cuneo
S.T.A.T. Purpose: Students Taking Action Together is a club devoted to promoting positive human relations between students of all races, religions, nationalities and cultures. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Ms. Aschettino
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Purpose: To provide a hands-on opportunity to take a project from idea to completion using aspects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Membership: 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Ms. Andreula, Ms. Henry and Ms. Nowak.
YEARBOOK (Polaris) Purpose: This is a club where students work to create a yearbook, a record of the students, staff and activities of the school year. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Ms. Gierman
YOGA Purpose: To provide opportunities for students who enjoy physical fitness and wish to improve in strength and flexibility. Membership: Interested 7th and 8th grade students ADVISOR: Ms. Adcock
Revised 08/03/2023