The New Jersey Administrative Code Title 6A under Chapter 14 provides the administrative policies and procedures in regard to special education which have been adopted by the Northern Burlington County Regional Board of Education. A student may be referred to the Child Study Team by a parent/guardian or by a school district staff member. When such a referral is made, the parent/guardian has input and provides consent for the district to complete and evaluation in order to determine eligibility for special education and related services. If a student is determined eligible for services, a variety of placement options are considered with the least restrictive environment being the determining factor. Parent/guardian participation is vital to the success of any special education program. The Northern Burlington County Regional School District uses the same curriculum found in the general education program with modifications and adaptations made when necessary.
The Child Study Team also has the responsibility of case managing for each student who receives special education services. They are responsible for monitoring the student's progress and placement throughout the school year. Ongoing communication between the Case managers and the parent/guardian will help to ensure the student's success.